Our family came down from Alabama to be there with us on this special day. As they prepped me for my c-section, our family came to take some last minute pictures of my huge baby belly. After lots of pictures and X's and O's, The family left the prep room to then go into the waiting area.
While I was wheeled to the operating room, Mikey was taken to his prep room where he put on his Doctor Mikey gear. As I walked into the operating room, Bob Marley and Lauren Hill were blarring in the background. I was stunned by how relaxing and fun the operation room actually was. The nurses were joking around, the doctors came in and joined in on the joke telling and cutting up. I wasn't sure if I should be scar
ed and join in too.

Mikey cutting the cord My first time holding him in recovery

Dr. Carlos Raos and Dr. McNeil Lil Mikey

9 lbs 7.3 ounces
After the shot in the spine, I was told to quickly lie down before my lower half goes completly numb. And sure enough, within 15 seconds, It was like I had no lower half. The nurses picked my legs up and moved them around. It looked like they were taking them away. With the drugs kicking in, I was about to tell them to leave those with me, I need em. Instead, I lay back feeling numb and helpless. All I knew was that in less than 30 minutes I would be holding my baby boy. Once I was fully prepared, they brought Mikey in. He immediatly sat next to me holding my hand as we both looked at each other for the last time as just a married couple. The doc ask if we are ready to become parents and then tells Mikey to stand up to see his baby boy. It was priceless to see the expression on his face as he stood up to look over the blue shield seperating me from my lower half. The next thing I knew was tears were streaming down both of our faces and I heard crying in the background. Mikey's face was filled with joy and reality of being a father. After taking a few pictures and Mikey cutting the cord, they brought him over to me. 9 lbs and 7 ounces. I was speechless but happy. Within seconds they took him away and I was left alone. After being in the recovery room for more than an hour, they finally brought lil Mikey in followed by his daddy. This was the day that Michael Jonathan Meier was born.
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