Everyone told me to enjoy the time while they are little because they grow up so fast. I didn't think about it much then, but wow does time fly. Little Mikey is now 3 months old and the time flew by. My 13 weeks off work now seems like a long weekend. But I enjoyed every minture of it and took the 13 weeks I had and made it productive. Little Mikey and I went to a new mommies support group every Tuesday. We met with new moms and new babies of all ages. It was nice watching him look at all the other babies. I learned a lot and it was a nice time to get out of the house, meet new people, and learn the do's and do not's in motherhood. Little Mikey and I mastered the relaxation in infant massage class. After four weeks of class, I can put on the ocean music and Lil man will be out in 15 minutes flat. In the beginning of the massage he thinks it is play time and just wiggles and smiles a lot. But after a while it starts to feel relaxed and just slowly falls asleep. Our last day of class the instructor gave us a certificate and a cute picture of us. Little Mikey and I went for walks daily, I took him to different parks, I ran 2 5k's with him, We took our first long trip to Alabama (which he did terrific), had his first holidays (Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year), He has met all of his immediate family, had many hugs and kisses from them all, I took him to get his first set of pictures made at 3 months old, we have introduced him to WII Rockband, and many more exciting things. At 3 months old, he can hold his head up strong, look around, smile, beginning to laugh, he watching cartoons, he can hold an object in his hand for a short time, he knows who his mommy and daddy are, he loves taking a bath, he loves to be outside and absolutly loves going for walks, he can roll over from his belly to his back, he has slept through the night no more than 3 times (we are working on that), and he has stolen our hearts. Although the 3 months have gone by so fast, so much has happened. We have cherished every minute of this experience and will cherish each day as we continue to live, laugh and love. Here are a few photos that are my favorites of the first 3 months of Little Mikey. E